... can't even remember when i put on a post last - and with no access to net at all for weeks, can't say that i missed it much - too much was happening to write about it - kol trip was such a blur, so much that happened - work, no work,family, raichowk, friends visit, pujo, pandal hopping, floods, epidemics, and by the time i was leaving for delhi, delhi had blasts - a lot of schedules upset, god work, bad work, running short of time, running late, running.... blurred images, colours and total fatigue, and some pics waiting to be uploaded - thats all i am left with...
oh and a new laptop, shall post more later - from what it looks like, delhi is going to be faster and totally too much!!
need more peace to think out blobby thoughts seeming to have potential for a good line here and a profound paragraph there - give me time and you'll have some.
and i continue to love william, waiting patiently...