Wednesday, January 11

for the audience of one


ignore the pic - its just the view from my latest birthday gift...
about teh blog tho'-fewer people coming here, most old regulars not even performing teh courtesy of returning calls... and dear faithful william seems away.. should it matter - of course not, after all i am doing this for myself, right?
btu sometimes i wonder if i would do anything at all if i lived inthe world of one. this blog is my mirror - so i see myself - so i see myself the way all the others see me - where i test drive my latest thought, i try out my latest role - traveler, independent, adventuress or philosopher... and roles all of them are.. there is no real me, there is no real anybody. when i travel i look for the context of another role i feel comfortable in. who is the real you, the real me - the one role i'll love to play, is the one i am searching for... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 7

goa goa goa


Tito's! where else?!
have loved people, places, concepts and ideas, things and colours, spirit and tastes - moments and weather, the feel and the senses - never all of it at one time amd place - if it had to be, it had to be... Posted by Picasa

to you too!


so where does on go for new years - on a shoestring budget - hoping to make money selling souvenirs? without a place to stay, without a place to sell - goa, of course - and only me and friend inc. could have had such a hair brained scheme as our maiden venture...
but know what - i dont care if i have to slog my butt off the rest of the year - its goa for me, where else? i loved the place, loved the people - nothing worked out and amazingly everything did - i grew up, i humbled down and i got my faith in life back - didnt party, didnt drink much - laughed a lot and yes, cried too - this trip was a life affirming trip - it was a fun trip - i have never made so many friends out of strangers after a year of making strangers out of friends - all tripped out now... cheers! Posted by Picasa

...slowly unpacking and growing roots...