Sunday, December 7

big city blues

new delhi is certainly new
and quite big
and foggy bluish cold tint to it

its a cool stiff stranger to me right now
that i am learning to navigate

as much as the newly married territory

there are flyovers to be indentified, bus number and routes to be remembered, and streets to be followed that never seem to turn at the same place the next day i try

its the frustration of the uninitiated - like a foreign movie, i hunt for subtitles in landmarks

but they repeat themselves in confusing regularity and i ask rajat if we are near south ex as we approach nehru place...

but its an interesting challenge, i have done this in many places with varying degrees of independence, of assistance, of distance. and i have managed.

it will take its time, but i will figure something that works for me,
and nokia maps will help! :)

Thursday, June 5

am back

not really
but i just realised it has been a year
and what a year it was

getting over heartbreak
falling in love
cleaning up baggage
joining drama, kickboxing flute
getting a nephew
and getting engaged

moving from the poky little room
to a 2 bed room apartment with a friend
and then a big raise and promotion
quitting kickboxing and flute
and joining aerobics and drums instead


ohho now i love my life
such a turnaround

but i must remember
this too shall pass

must enjoy it while i can

and i am here

...slowly unpacking and growing roots...