Wednesday, May 18

a message in a bottle

a message in a bottle
i really like the poetry posted here, somehow my favourite kind, and somehow the guy wouldnt post his own nor actually post anything else and actually has another blog which is a weather log??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whatever, i think we should just let him be...


william said...

Why not? It is my bicycle commuting journal. Not weird at all, bicycles are easy to balance once you get the hang of it!


meatwad said...

just wanted to thank you for your comment on my blog...can i just tell you i am so happy to know that someone else finds the grittiness of life worth rambling about? nice blog, yourself - i think we could be friends. =)

cheers, from one indian gal to the next (yes, it's true...)

btw, have you actually tried if so, what's it like?

...slowly unpacking and growing roots...