Friday, August 19

and back again

from delhi this time where lived next to CP on the 19th floor and saw delhi unfold every morning life a 3d map - wonderful - and with soon to be closed (CP branch) Nirula's Viennese Coffee IceCream which I do believe has to be one of the better ice creams in the world... (like i would know)... back and bored but next month is another city and another life to live for two months, am looking forward to it now....

currently reading "A Good Man is Hard To Find" horribly depressing but good. listening to Dave Matthews Band crooning "american Baby" and Green Day "wake me up when September ends"... nice.

oh and the sudden identity change etc because my boss stumbled on to the blog, and that was not nice...

1 comment:

Sahil said...

>>oh and the sudden identity change etc because my boss stumbled on to the blog

Ah! That explains quite a bit. Especially why the link to your blog in my Favourites folder refused to actually take me there. :)


...slowly unpacking and growing roots...