Tuesday, June 14

another blog hatelist

totally bullshitty blogs these days
full of selling acne cream, cheap laptops, girlie pics or poker casino stuff???
or they are in a strange language - have to go through reams of uselesness before latching onto anything readable... faf!

1 comment:

Sahil said...

pooonaaaaaaaaah- was in the height of summer, unfortunately, and the trip was a disaster. The wedding, however, was a resounding success- for my little brother. For me, it only firmed up my resolve never to get into it...!

And yes, the right way to do it is to take a train when it rains... It looks heaven, it smells heaven and, if you get off at Lonavla and trudge up to Coopers and buy their one-of-a-kind chocolate walnut fudge and eat it, it tastes heaven too... Of course you'd then have to wait until the next train came along but what's a little waiting when there's heaven to be had...?!


...slowly unpacking and growing roots...