Sunday, June 19

identity crisis

that i think my blog is going through - there is enough light fluff stuff and then there are my deep philosophical ponderings, and then out of nowhere i have my turbulent shadow boxing with people of the past - all these don't match - chapters of seperate books, different typefaces, but they are all me,
in fact at the beginning this blog was to be pretty much anonymous, and here i am divulging details of locations, people and stuff like that - in some ways important characters that were needed for the plot, in other ways, maybe people who wouldnt want featured here undisguised- so where do we go now? and my deepest fears - i meet someone who's read my blog and finds out it is me, and the other one - people i have written about actually chance upon the blog.... eeowwww!
actually who reads this blog anyway, dont think i should be so paranoid... maybe i should just change my name.... or maybe it is a pseudonym!! right - there you have it, i am not me, this is someone else!! d- uh!!


Al Sayf said...

That's the beauty of it all. There are no boundaries. Just write whatever you want to. Like you said, "...but they are all me". It's not about everyone else. It's about you.
With regards to naming names, if it's a bad thing and you want to play it safe, how about just using the first letter of that person's name?

Sahil said...

>>and my deepest fears - i meet someone who's read my blog and finds out it is me, and the other one - people i have written about actually chance upon the blog

Does it really matter either way...? Rant on...


...slowly unpacking and growing roots...