Wednesday, December 14

Light spirits fleeing the night... fairy lights (delhi)

Using Canon S1IS

sniff groan sneeze

day after tomorrow, i'll get older... right now, i just want to drown... i want to resign, quit, surrender.. just dont feel upto everything that i have loaded myself with. maybe its the cold, maybe i'll be better tomorrow... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 11

sometimes you can make love to a particular shade of purple, sometimes sounds expand in your head and lift you off you feet - most feelings are emotional manifesations of physical realities, the smell of rain runs its course through my body and make my fingertips dance Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 10

Nostalgia is a hope that weathers Posted by Picasa

bombay is the beginning of the world Posted by Picasa

kolkata is howrah station and taxi rides through nightmarish traffic Posted by Picasa

bangalore is a leafy shaded bike ride, Posted by Picasa

...slowly unpacking and growing roots...