Friday, May 27

putting my money where the post is

... read my last post and think that i am right!! ha ha!! i need to get a life - i mean my posts cant be about posts!! - (but her I go again) - as if this should be so unreal..... so am on a blog hiatus - (is that the word) - till I figure what I want to say. yes.

who in your merry merry month of May,
who by very slow decay
and who shall I say is calling?
- Leonard Cohen

Tuesday, May 24

getting higher

and for some strange cosmic reason - all the three blogs below are talking about related things - breakupgrrl on how she forgot to take the medication that keeps her balanced, anotherwhitesheep on how he wants to be normal - but seems to find no unmedicated company and al_sayf continues his tough battle to stop smoking - hmmmmmm,
i dont know - whether are artificial stimulations are doors to alternate perceptions, if we can restore balance by swallowing what is missing, if a higher state is reached not by trudging a lone path but by an artificial jet... so is life not stimulating enough that we need to be aided or is that we end up hunting for the wrong answers and feel depressed - or not impressed enough.
there's a crack in this somewhere - its a point when you stop looking and stop wondering whether you are there yet - and maybe you are... but i identify with the fed up ness (??) doctored to your senses bites of information visuals sounds and chatter that surround us - but also that once you realise those arent the answers, nor the stimulation you seek, its easy to move on... to real things... (SO GET UP FROM THE BLOGS AND DO SOMETHING THAT NEEDNT BE REDUCABLE TO A BLOG POST SIZE - fly)

Monday, May 23

Blogs to read and not to

In my blog surfing, I realised I discover myself - heh heh in the sense that I realise I haev pretty strong likes and dislikes -
I dont like blogs that wallow in self pity
I do not like blogs that have 36 animations, 20 music tracks and awful cursors
I also do not like blogs without the navigation bar that lets you go to the next blog
Completely hate blogs in languages other than English (I am guilty too here, but more or less stick to English)
And find blogs that jus post their sons/daughters/dog/ pet goldfish/ nth pose and zillionth stance
Are not open ended but definitely opinionated leaving you absolutely nothing to say

I also like some blogs!!
The ones that say something original and intelligent - like this one -
and blogs that have stuff you like to read even if it is not original like a message in a bottle poetry page
or something that lets you peek into another life like the
or even tragi comic like
well, thats all for now... what blogs do you like and why?

Sunday, May 22



how hot is it?

so hot that the big fat candle is melting out of shape sitting unlit in the corner - that is how hot it is... 48 C.... halfway to melting point... me defiitely more alive, joined the library, made a friend, went out for a dinner - and had gin with peach iced tea - wow - i seem to be drinking more in this dry state than in the other wet and flowing states!!

went here and said what i have been feeling for along time ... is the intelligent reasonable voting population of the US so limited? Bush bashing and STAR WARS - have to be the most talked about topics on blogs all over - and after wading through several i can tell you that the second half is better and over all it is better than the first two!! (and i havent even seen any, what a borrowed life!!)

Saturday, May 21

show me this man

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. - Robert A. Heinlein
stolen from

as the quarter life crisis hits and 'get married' scene unspokenly becomes evident in between the lines conversations, i am trying to figure out who is it that i would want to marry - not in terms of a real person i already know but in terms of what kind of a person.... i think robert above got it right - now only if he would also ride the right bike, talk the same language, have a broad enough mind and enough conversation, i think i wouldnt look further...

Friday, May 20

let it bee

long time no photos, so heres of bees flying in formation, from my tenth floor - soon i shall be vacating - all in all its been fun - but i wont miss the bees...

The pic's dedicated to William ;))

not one in my bonnet Posted by Hello

looking up and looking down...

and wow!! people actually here and reading AND WRITING!! SO cool - actual blog bonding - am thrilled!!...
well, when things start to happen, there's no stopping them... really, I have been busy - yesterday met some one's friend over coffee - married female, no eyebrow raising required - and then there was a party - firnag has managed to get an extension on the project (how how how? after the terrible work we put in??!!) - so we went out to tomato's and then came back and...drank till 4 - led to some intense discussions - conclusion - "ALL MEN ARE BASTARDS and the WOMEN MOSTLY BITCHES" - well what do you expect from two- silent- drinking-men -in- orange- shirts and two -tipsy -disillusioned -in -l0ve - garralous -single -women??!! CHEERS!!

Wednesday, May 18

a message in a bottle

a message in a bottle
i really like the poetry posted here, somehow my favourite kind, and somehow the guy wouldnt post his own nor actually post anything else and actually has another blog which is a weather log??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whatever, i think we should just let him be...

Monday, May 16

so me got a site meter

and realised that all of 12 people visited this site last week ( i think ten at least were me!) and none of these ten (or two) people left any comments... hmmmm! IF you are here please SAY SOMETHING!!

Saturday, May 14

a thought on people ...

...and how i cant relate to them anymore - tukku is in banking - so are most of her friends (earning anywhere between 45000 per month to 11lakhs p.a.) - at the concert 3 of these and tukks and me were in a discussion - i was yawning with a frequency of about one per twenty seconds, and they were talking incentives, targets and dumb branch managers - other geeky terms that i couldnt catch and rates and clients and portfolio. none of them had anything to say to me - zilch, and i had nothing to say to them. later on - after dinner one guy, and a perfectly normal nice guy, sweetly enough accompanied me to the place where i was going to crash - i managed decent amount of pc - somehow but, he just found everything crowded degrading and noisy about everywhere. we passed a jhing bang street party with blaring band and jhopad patti types dancing with total abandon. i remarked how they seemed to have so much more fun than the concert we had just attended, where people in their efforts to look and behave the coolest were so conscious to let themselves go and even we thought we would have had a better time if we had some alcohol to lose our inhibitions - how depressing - i never thought i would reach that stage - anyway and this guy didnt get it, and was complaining how these guys are a menace and just ned a reason to create a racket - right! while we spend a 1000 bucks with and as some worthless wannabes, at least her was something genuine - and he cant see it. are there people who see it? where are they? i am willing to starve and work and live a richer life with lesser money - just show me the poeple who see it - i wonder where i belong now. i wonder if i can go on alone cause living alone is depressing for me, i realised i would want sounding boards not echoes... WHERE? not, not icq, not rock shows and definitely not at not just jazz by the bay - must quit, must travel, must dig them out...

Tuesday, May 10

and then topping it all...

so downright pathetic! to while away my precious beautiful time topping scored from the yahoo webgames!! yeah i am topping all in my list now. but sheesh what a waste when i could be doing so much more...
but i already sense a new skin growing - resolution - no more moping - give it all i got and if then its not enough, shall just go home... just!


sunshine that cheered me up after putting in impossible hours at work

I'm gonna soak up the sun
Gonna tell everyone
To lighten up
I've got no one to blame
For every time
I feel lame
I'm looking up

Every time I turn around
I'm looking up,
you're looking down
Maybe something's wrong with you
That makes you act the way you do
Maybe I am crazy too

.. thats for sure. going out to buy cornflakes has become 'celebration' for finally finishing the presentations and couriering them to London - not felt so cooped and trapped but yeah, cornflakes is a beginning...

Monday, May 9

may you may me may be

so mays begun and with so much work that i havent posted anything at all for long....

but such an apt name for the month - so many may -bes...
maybe i'll be here, maybe i'll be gone, there are no rights, no wrongs, just differances, different endings of the same song, maybe you already know, maybe you will wonder, i will not think anymore, simply surrender.

...slowly unpacking and growing roots...