Wednesday, May 24


you want to fight the larger being looking after us all somewhere - this is not what the brochure promised - i want a normal family - and then again maybe this much dysfunctionalism is there in every family... i dont want to deal with this - i dont want to run away either, there are no easy answers and everything requires patience and courage and so much amount of love and empathy i feel i am being emptied out when we havent even begun...

and all my silly little problems with mr gone-to-the-us and gosh-i-look-a-sight-in-a swimsuit ind of disappear when i think of my larger picture... or anyones

there is rioting on the street we cause we wont be meritocratic, so we will build a nation of lesser priveliged who will be super priveliged and inefficient,

people are buying and selling and selling and buying because we dont know what we want except we want more money

as if money is not a means to an end but the end itself

but if money can buy you freedom, why not....


Anonymous said...

Chin up.
Is everything ok?


A said...

not really, but dont know how bad.. sometimes you start taking your problems for granted too, till they reach breaking point...

now about you? please explain absence and tell more...

i feel like the grease song...

Anonymous said...

What's wrong? Problems on the family front or mr gone-to-US front?
A few posts back you had made a list of all the things that were working and not working in your life. I liked the way you cheated to get more points in the 'good things' list!I don't know how much it worked for you, but I definitely felt more positive about life that day.
Don't worry girl - you got a good job, you get to travel a lot, I'm sure you have a lot of good friends, plus you got a supportive family (even if they smother you sometimes). AND you got your blog fans!
as for my absence - just didnt have much to write about.
Hope you feel better soon.


Anonymous said...

BTW, which grease song do you feel like?

A said...

tell me more tell me more,

that was the deal, right?

yeah, youre right, i have much too much to be grateful for and things will fall in place, if they dont they'll fall out of place and fill new spaces...

Sahil said...

sweet! but am sure this is not what he meant!!

most certainly not! but then, where's the fun in giving exactly what's wanted...?


...slowly unpacking and growing roots...