Thursday, March 22

and here i am

.. wont you send me an angel.

point in life where things seem over - there is a 'the end' that was stuck in the next scene when everything was going to be allright and who gave a damn about the details and the ugly truth is that things suck - i am here, empty and alone with no clue what to start with and where to go

And that is the best part - one can go anywhere from ground zero... you cant fall off the floor and it possibly cant get worse - am alone in a city - have no friends here so to speak - work is tepid - no office colleagues worth knowing and job that is not all i wanted it to be - have broken up with the reason of shifting to bangalore and am staying on my own - for the first time - with heartbreak and poor cooking skills! - hopefully it cant be worse - hopefully i will survive this and that would be one less to fear in life and that it would be the best thing that happened to me.

everything is wonderful - i just cant see it now

yay! for lime and silver new shoes!

1 comment:

Rambler said...

well you are in bangalore, do you really need to worry about cooking? :)

...slowly unpacking and growing roots...