Friday, April 21

Nostalgia is a sepia coloured fan...

Using Canon S1IS


Anonymous said...

What are you nostalgic about? Cmon girl, answer some questions! I'll do the same, and tell you where I'm coming back from.
So you're in Delhi these days- Lajpat Nagar?

A said...

okay okay - i get nostalgic about the year i spent in bangalore living and working with friends and i passed through delhi last month, but not there right now, now - your turn -who the heck are you????

Anonymous said...

Good girl!
Here's the trade off. The more you tell me about yourself, the more I'll tell about myself. You don't need to tell me your name or your phone number or even your email id if you don't want to.This is a good start.
I'm working with a consulting firm, so have travelled a bit myself, both within and outside the country.I am based out of Delhi, but am on a Norway assignment. Should be back in a few days.
And now you tell me-what's been going on in your life?

A said...

thats not who you are - thats what you have to spend your real life being - whoareyou?

...slowly unpacking and growing roots...