Friday, June 10


You Live Your Life as if it's Real

some strange but nice poetry - chanced upon while looking for similar names...

so opportune time to tell you why as if and why reference to mian asif

i had to bill someone for some design services
and had to get a letterhead done
and so got to wondering to what my company one day should be called
and with my initials - a and s.. which would mean 'as'
what could be added
as you like it
as and when
as of now
as if
and 'as if' sounded good, short and usable, if with its potential for almost everything
but if 'as' standed for me, 'if' too would have had to stand for something
intelligent female
interested in freelancing
irritated fortunehunter
irascible fathead
all kinds of things
with my imagination fired
and so 'imagination fired' - was it, a little much, but true
fired - not only fiery but also the connotation of fired objects of pottery (with high possibility of me beginning something to do with pottery)

so far so good
and then meghana says,
anyone with no english will read it as 'asif' - the name
so what to do
but then why not
and i shall have a multilingual thing, so important if you work in the crafts sector, not to mention multi religion too!!
m.i.a.n. a.s.i.f.
(meghana is a nut aanchal s. imagination fired)


Anonymous said...


plow7010 said...

Hello, Aanchal.
Thanks you for your visiting to my blog.

Now, i'm reading your blog with interest. :D

But my ability at english is very poor. That's why i've always gotta read any writing in english with my dictionary. :-)
i think that's good for my practice.


...slowly unpacking and growing roots...