Thursday, June 2

contagious heartbreak

amazing how everyone's story is the same, how when work life sours, so does love life but without histronics of betrayal, simply disappointment
and you know you just need to get out, and have nothing holding you back but the sheer comfort zone of friends -
have to move on, got to get going - and the new place may have the same thing repeating - but nothing is as unberable as nothing at all.........

a colleague, I think, seems to be halfway in love but seems to be getting nowhere, but know that her dissatisfaction with work is escalating at the same time... repeat of my time in bangalore... i know her guy is already engaged or getting there...

I hope she leaves the town soon............ she needs some fresh air......... and fresh people. I really like her now and she gave me good dinner today, but only for her sanity's sake, I hope she either finds somebody or something not only for passing/ killing time but to live it, there's only so much of it anyway, we can't while it away... not like this...

nor should I.

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...slowly unpacking and growing roots...