Friday, May 27

putting my money where the post is

... read my last post and think that i am right!! ha ha!! i need to get a life - i mean my posts cant be about posts!! - (but her I go again) - as if this should be so unreal..... so am on a blog hiatus - (is that the word) - till I figure what I want to say. yes.

who in your merry merry month of May,
who by very slow decay
and who shall I say is calling?
- Leonard Cohen

1 comment:

william said...

Borrowed from Stephen Foster

We roamed the fields and river sides,
When we are young and gay;
We chased the bees and plucked the flowers,
In the merry, merry month of may.

Our voices echo’d through the glen,
With blithe and joyful ring;
We built our huts of mossy stones,
And we dabbled in the hillside spring.

We joyed to meet and griev’d to part,
We sigh’d when night came on;
We went to rest with longing heart,
For the comming of the bright day dawn.

We whiled the hours away;
The skies were bright,
Our hearts were light,
In the merry, merry month of may....

...slowly unpacking and growing roots...