Tuesday, May 24

getting higher

and for some strange cosmic reason - all the three blogs below are talking about related things - breakupgrrl on how she forgot to take the medication that keeps her balanced, anotherwhitesheep on how he wants to be normal - but seems to find no unmedicated company and al_sayf continues his tough battle to stop smoking - hmmmmmm,
i dont know - whether are artificial stimulations are doors to alternate perceptions, if we can restore balance by swallowing what is missing, if a higher state is reached not by trudging a lone path but by an artificial jet... so is life not stimulating enough that we need to be aided or is that we end up hunting for the wrong answers and feel depressed - or not impressed enough.
there's a crack in this somewhere - its a point when you stop looking and stop wondering whether you are there yet - and maybe you are... but i identify with the fed up ness (??) doctored to your senses bites of information visuals sounds and chatter that surround us - but also that once you realise those arent the answers, nor the stimulation you seek, its easy to move on... to real things... (SO GET UP FROM THE BLOGS AND DO SOMETHING THAT NEEDNT BE REDUCABLE TO A BLOG POST SIZE - fly)

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...slowly unpacking and growing roots...