Friday, May 20

looking up and looking down...

and wow!! people actually here and reading AND WRITING!! SO cool - actual blog bonding - am thrilled!!...
well, when things start to happen, there's no stopping them... really, I have been busy - yesterday met some one's friend over coffee - married female, no eyebrow raising required - and then there was a party - firnag has managed to get an extension on the project (how how how? after the terrible work we put in??!!) - so we went out to tomato's and then came back and...drank till 4 - led to some intense discussions - conclusion - "ALL MEN ARE BASTARDS and the WOMEN MOSTLY BITCHES" - well what do you expect from two- silent- drinking-men -in- orange- shirts and two -tipsy -disillusioned -in -l0ve - garralous -single -women??!! CHEERS!!

1 comment:

Zetirix said...

From my experience, in love single woman are the most dangerous creatures to inhabit the planet.

- Z

...slowly unpacking and growing roots...