Sunday, May 22

how hot is it?

so hot that the big fat candle is melting out of shape sitting unlit in the corner - that is how hot it is... 48 C.... halfway to melting point... me defiitely more alive, joined the library, made a friend, went out for a dinner - and had gin with peach iced tea - wow - i seem to be drinking more in this dry state than in the other wet and flowing states!!

went here and said what i have been feeling for along time ... is the intelligent reasonable voting population of the US so limited? Bush bashing and STAR WARS - have to be the most talked about topics on blogs all over - and after wading through several i can tell you that the second half is better and over all it is better than the first two!! (and i havent even seen any, what a borrowed life!!)

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...slowly unpacking and growing roots...