Saturday, May 14

a thought on people ...

...and how i cant relate to them anymore - tukku is in banking - so are most of her friends (earning anywhere between 45000 per month to 11lakhs p.a.) - at the concert 3 of these and tukks and me were in a discussion - i was yawning with a frequency of about one per twenty seconds, and they were talking incentives, targets and dumb branch managers - other geeky terms that i couldnt catch and rates and clients and portfolio. none of them had anything to say to me - zilch, and i had nothing to say to them. later on - after dinner one guy, and a perfectly normal nice guy, sweetly enough accompanied me to the place where i was going to crash - i managed decent amount of pc - somehow but, he just found everything crowded degrading and noisy about everywhere. we passed a jhing bang street party with blaring band and jhopad patti types dancing with total abandon. i remarked how they seemed to have so much more fun than the concert we had just attended, where people in their efforts to look and behave the coolest were so conscious to let themselves go and even we thought we would have had a better time if we had some alcohol to lose our inhibitions - how depressing - i never thought i would reach that stage - anyway and this guy didnt get it, and was complaining how these guys are a menace and just ned a reason to create a racket - right! while we spend a 1000 bucks with and as some worthless wannabes, at least her was something genuine - and he cant see it. are there people who see it? where are they? i am willing to starve and work and live a richer life with lesser money - just show me the poeple who see it - i wonder where i belong now. i wonder if i can go on alone cause living alone is depressing for me, i realised i would want sounding boards not echoes... WHERE? not, not icq, not rock shows and definitely not at not just jazz by the bay - must quit, must travel, must dig them out...

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...slowly unpacking and growing roots...